Hospitality & Tourism

20 videos
54 hours
5 quizzes
Course mode: Self-study
Course material: 20 videos, over 2 hours of video material, 5 quizzes. Estimated total study time 54 hours.
Targeted to: This introductory course to travel and tourism business is for everyone interested in understanding the scope and magnitude of this number one business in the world. One out of 10 employees globally are found in travel and tourism. This course also serves well for people already working in the tourism business, wanting to broaden their skills and knowledge base.
This course aims to develop a wide perspective on modern travel and tourism as a multi-form industry and the issues affecting it. The lessons included will explain the central concepts and definitions used in the travel and tourism business. The course will introduce the tourism cluster, which gives an overview of how the travel and tourism industry is connected to other business sectors and service fields.
Also, the course explores motivations why people travel and what is pushing and pulling them in the context of tourism. Furthermore, these studies aim to clarify the importance of sustainable tourism development by pointing out the major impact of tourism activities and operations on the destination level. Understanding the impact of current worldwide trends and issues is vital and will be explained as a part of the tutorials.
The participants are expected to watch all the video content under each module, acquaint themselves with additional materials provided, and then take the quizzes. The quiz can be taken 3 times and we recommend that participants watch the videos and practice until they feel they master the topic.
After completing the course, the participant can:
Upon completion of the course, the participant can:
This course consists of 5 tutorials and each one contains a variety of video lessons. The tutorials and lessons are the following:
1.1 History of tourism in a nutshell
1.2 Tourism as a concept and categories of tourism
1.3 Tourism system, push and pull factors
1.5 Destination management
2.1 Tourist motivation
2.2 Segmenting the tourism market
2.3 Megatrends and trends affecting the tourism industry
3.1. Classifying tourism
3.2 Travel and tourism cluster
4.1 Air transport
4.2 Water and land transport
4.3 Travel agencies and tour operators
5.1 The economic impact of tourism
5.2 Socio-cultural impact of tourism
5.3 Environmental impact of tourism
5.4 Sustainable and responsible tourism
Do you wish to pursue a career in international tourism? If so, first you have to understand how it works, be aware of the history, present, and future of tourism business, of the players and concepts, to become a solid player in the field.
The course will facilitate your journey in business life. Do not waste a minute – start your new career today!
You may buy the course by adding it to the shopping cart on this page. You can pay with a credit card, bank transfer, or in-company purchases request for an invoice. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your order. It contains all relevant data on your purchase.
If you’re ordering the course for multiple users, you will be contacted after your purchase. Credentials to each user will be sent via personal email after verification of your payment.
If you make a company purchase and wish to be billed, you will be contacted. You will receive your credentials to use the course upon payment of the bill. If you have any questions or inquiries, do contact us at
After we have verified your payment, you will be sent credentials for the log-in to the learning environment, where you will conduct your studies. In the learning environment, you will find all your study materials available for you for 6 months.
You may study at your own pace and return to study materials at any time you wish.
Mia Tarhanen holds an extensive career in tourism education as a Senior lecturer in tourism management and business development. She loves helping and inspiring new talent in professional growth.