Business Strategy

26 videos
135 hours
1 quiz
Customers are the corner stone for the success of any service business. And not just any customers, but satisfied, happy, loyal customers, who create repeat business. Business community has been talking about guest experiences for decades, attempts have been made to create a lasting customer experience process.
This course gives you a holistic, academic background, yet most importantly, seven practical tools to implement a lasting powerful guest experience strategy for your company. This course gives you tools to outperform your competitors. It also creates staff satisfaction, not only guest satisfaction.
Course mode: Self-study
Course level: Advanced
Course material: 3,5 hours of video lectures, 1 quiz, additional reading. Estimated total study time 135 hours.
Targeted to: This course is highly valuable to several audiences: advanced university students of marketing and customer experience management, middle and senior managers in service sector aiming to create a powerful guest experience strategy, and for parties dealing with increasing long-term company value through repeat customer sales.
Guest satisfaction matters for every business, whether you are a start-up or a legacy business. Guest loyalty overall is shrinking, guests are not loyal to one company anymore – or are they? Guest experience process is a strategic tool – the most important tool a company may have. In addition to a theoretical framework, we will provide you practical tools to manage your customer happiness.
This course helps you understand the process and deliverables, then offers templates and exercises for you to build your own guest experience strategy.
The participants are expected to watch all the video content under each module, acquaint themselves with additional materials provided, and then take the quizzes. The quiz can be taken 3 times and we recommend that participants watch the videos and practice until they feel they master the topic.
After completing the course, the participant
This 5 ECTS equivalent course includes five modules. Under each module, there are a number of valuable and insightful videos and assignments.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 The Experiencing and Remembering Self
1.2 The Nature of Expectations
1.3 The Experience Equation
1.4 The Myth of Rationality
1.5 Basics
1.6 Motivators
1.7 The Umami of Business
2.1 The Danger of Playing it Safe
2.2 The Umami Baseline
2.3 Umami Vision
2.4 Umami Edges
2.5 Umami Metrics
3.1 Umami Baseline Questionnaire
3.2 Umami Progress Questionnaire
3.3 The Aspiration Map
3.4 Defining Your Edges
3.5 Benchmarking Your Edges
3.6 Defining Umami Metrics
3.7 Prioritizing with the Umami Table
4.1 Positive Adaptation
4.2 The Infinite Game
4.3 Moving Forward in Times of Complexity
4.4 The Magic of Underpromising
4.5. The Inevitability of Resistance
Guest satisfaction and loyalty lie in the center of business survival and prosperity. After completing this course, you can carry out a successful guest experience strategy creation for your company. This is a ”must” course for anyone wanting to truly understand customer profiles, and using that data, make your business grow to a new, elevated level and to outperform your competitors. The course will open doors to new responsibilities and facilitate your journey from one position to the next. Do not waste a minute – start your new guest satisfaction expert career today!
You may buy the course by adding it to the shopping cart on this page. You can pay with a credit card, bank transfer, or in company purchases request for an invoice. You will receive an e-mail confirmation on your order. It contains all relevant data on your purchase. If you’re ordering the course for multiple users, you will be contacted after your purchase. Credentials to each user will be sent via personal email after verification of your payment. If you make a company purchase and wish to be billed, you will be contacted. You will receive your credentials to use the course upon payment of the bill. If you have any questions or inquiries, do contact us at
After we have verified your payment, you will be sent credentials for the log-in to the learning environment, where you will conduct your studies. In the learning environment you will find all your study materials, which are available for you for 9 months. You may study at your own pace and return to study materials at any time you wish.
Ron Swidler, Chief Innovation Officer, The Gettys Group Companies, Chicago, Illinois. With a passion for pioneering ideas and new approaches to hospitality design, Ron brings more than two decades of experience to The Gettys Group as Principal in charge of branding. He is frequently asked to speak at global industry events and has been quoted in numerous publications featuring his hospitality, design, and branding expertise. Ron holds a B.Sc. in Interior Design from University of Illinois. He is the main catalyst of the spectacular innovation project ”The Hotel of Tomorrow”.